Stidham to head up PHS boys’ golf

Story courtesy of The Pilot News.

PLYMOUTH — Plymouth High School has named their new boys golf head coach.
Douglas Stidham will head the squad for the coming season in 2025, taking over from Plymouth AD Josh Troyer who was the interim coach a year ago.
I loved coaching our guys this year,” said Troyer. “It wasn’t that I hated coaching and wanted to get out of it but when you have a coach that is also a PGA teaching professional it’s hard to pass on. He’s a good well-rounded coach that I think our guys can learn a lot from.”
Stidham has 20 years of experience in the golf industry holding a degree in Golf Management from Trine University and a Class A PGA Professional certification.
His experience spans instruction, club fitting, and course management with an emphasis on helping golfers optimize their game.
“He has an infectious personality and he’s somebody I think our kids will love to be around,” said Troyer. “But again he has that technical knowledge too that’s hard to find, especially at a high school level.”
“My three best friends are from my high school golf team,” said Stidham. “We still meet up at least four to five times a year to play. Relationships like that are hard to come by and if I can help accommodate that I did something right.”
Stidham and his wife Erin, a 2006 PHS grad, live in Plymouth and have two children, Kinley (11) and John (5).